If you are arrested for driving under the influence ( DUI ) in Cumming Georgia or the greater Forsyth County, GA area, you are facing some of the toughest DUI prosecuting attorneys and judges in the state of Georgia. In some jurisdictions in Georgia, prosecuting attorneys allow those accused with DUI and their DUI lawyers examine the evidence against them and soon begin plea bargaining or make the decision to have a trial on the charges. In Forsyth County, prosecuting attorneys are slow to allow those charged with DUI to see the video tape evidence of the DUI stop, field sobriety evaluations, and arrest. Typically, the video and audio evidence is not available for the accused driver until after the Forsyth County State Court arraignment. Arraignment is the first court date that happens several weeks after the arrest (and often after the administrative drivers license suspension hearing).
After the accused DUI driver and DUI lawyer have a chance to review all the evidence, they can negotiate with the Cumming DUI prosecutors and file to have a Motions hearing where they attempt to have evidence against the DUI driver - like breath test and field sobriety test results - excluded from trial. If negotiations are not favorable, then the accused can go to a trial. The Forysth DUI prosecutors must prove the charges beyond a reasonabel doubt for a jury to convict. That is a high burden.
Each case has its strengths and weaknesses. Call our experienced Forysth DUI lawyers today to discuss your unique set of circumstances and how they can be contested and the best result achieved. Our DUI defense practice, proudly serving Cumming, GA and the greater Forsyth County area, is open 24/7, so call anytime to discuss your DUI charges and get your questions answered.
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