Forsyth County DUI Attorney
DUI Lawyer Serving Cumming, Dawson County and Forsyth County Areas
If you have been arrested and charged with DUI, you are now in serious legal jeopardy. The court system is set up to move very quickly in DUI cases and there is very little time in which to act if you hope to defend the charge or take action to minimize the damage to your life. It is crucial that you get a Forsyth County DUI lawyer to assist you from the moment of your arrest. As you have only 30 days from the time of the arrest to request an ALS hearing regarding your driver's license suspension, fast action can make all the difference in the result of the case. At the Law Offices of Richard S. Lawson, the legal team has over 20 years of experience exclusively defending DUI cases and has developed exceptional resources and knowledge that can be implemented immediately for your defense.
Arrested and Charged with DUI in Forsyth County or Dawson County?
The penalties for DUI convictions are extremely severe in this state and depending upon the details of your case, often include jail time, fines, community service, a risk reduction program (DUI School), and a suspension of your driver's license for a period of time. When you have an earlier DUI conviction on your record, the penalties increase radically. If an injury accident or fatality takes place and law enforcement charges you with DUI, you will be facing a felony offense.
Each case is unique and has specific evidence and details and must be quickly reviewed by a DUI defense lawyer at the firm. You can then be advised of the strategy that could be employed to defend your case. There are frequently good defense options in DUI cases and the attorney can determine how to move forward to protect your rights. The legal team at the Law Offices of Richard S. Lawson can assist clients charged with any DUI offense in Forsyth County and will explain to you how many legal issues will apply to your case with all aspects ranging from prior DUI convictions, to ALS hearings as well as what to expect for the entire DUI process from the moment you are arrested.
When you have been arrested for DUI it is important to be informed and as prepared for your case as is possible. When you work with an attorney who is not only experienced in DUI cases, but offers the individualized attention necessary to keeping you informed about your case, and when you are able to work in tandem with your attorney to build your case, you can improve your chances of obtaining a successful conclusion. The legal team will help you understand your options including if you should accept a plea bargain or commit to taking your case to trial to defend yourself.
At the time that you are pulled over or arrested for DUI there are many aspects that occur which will become significant factors in your DUI defense case. When a law enforcement officer pulls you over on suspicion of being intoxicated or you are stopped at a roadside checkpoint, you will likely be asked to submit to a number of field sobriety tests which help the officer determine if you may be driving drunk. While you can refuse a field sobriety test, if you are arrested for DUI a refusal of breath or blood tests can mean an immediate driver's license suspension for up to a year.
Breath and blood tests are used to determine a driver's approximate blood alcohol concentration (BAC). The legal limit in most states, including Georgia, is .08 percent. If you are 21 or over with a BAC equal to or exceeding .08%, you can be charged with DUI. For drivers under the age of 21 with a BAC exceeding .02%, they can be charged with an under 21 DUI, or minor in possession of alcohol if alcohol is found in their vehicle or possession. When you are facing these types of charges, it is important to have a skilled attorney on your side.
The attorneys at the firm will also assist clients in need of legal help in other areas involving DUI's. For cases with drugs & DUI or prescription drugs & DUI, the penalties that you may face if convicted are very serious. With DUI's involving drugs, there is no way to measure the level of a driver's "intoxication" with a breath test or a field sobriety test. Police officers will instead administer blood tests or urine tests to measure the amount of drugs in a person's system. For marijuana cases, the laws in Georgia provide for a driver's license suspension immediately after a possession charge. You must take the proper legal steps to reinstate your driver's license and fulfill all legal requirements before you can drive again. The right attorney can help you prevent a license suspension and a record of criminal history. In addition, if you have been charged with probation violation for any reason, you can be picked up and put in jail at any moment. It is urgent that you contact a DUI defense lawyer to start working on your case to resolve it before you are arrested for violating your probation. Our firm can also assist you with charges concerning child endangerment, out of state GA DUI, and more serious cases such as DUI accidents and vehicular homicide. No matter the area of DUI law with which you need help, the firm can assist you with your case every step of the way.
Attorney Richard S. Lawson is a former DUI prosecutor and this background provides his office a complete understanding about how the "other side" operates during the prosecution of your case. This can provide a strong advantage for the client, as the DUI defense attorney knows how critical it is that you act fast and move ahead with your defense in order to aggressively fight the case. All aspects of your case will be analyzed and reviewed. Richard Lawson will fully exploit any law enforcement errors in the arrest procedure, traffic stop, or evidence gathered by the police officer, such as the breath test and the field sobriety tests.
Experienced DUI Defense Lawyer Serving Cumming, Dawson County, and Forsyth County Areas
It is crucial that you contact the firm immediately after the arrest in order to initiate the critical defense actions necessary to diminish the damage to your life, future, and your ability to drive. Don't take the attitude that this is a small or unimportant matter. You are facing serious legal consequences such as loss of your freedom and your ability to drive. Any DUI offense is a serious legal problem and should be carefully addressed by a professional and seasoned DUI defense lawyer. Fast action is of utmost concern in these cases. If you were arrested for DUI in Georgia, then you are going to need the best DUI lawyer you can find. At the Law Offices of Richard S. Lawson, you are getting superior legal defense that is backed by years of experience and a proven track record for success.
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Contact a Forsyth County DUI lawyer from the Law Offices of Richard S. Lawson today.
Proudly Serving: Dawson County and Cumming