About Drug & DUI Charges
A DUI charge in Forsyth County can be based upon drug intoxication. The determination as to whether you were driving intoxicated will be based upon the opinion of law enforcement who may have observed you driving erratically, recklessly, speeding, swerving, or driving in and out of your lane. The charge of DUI can be based upon drug intoxication from a legally prescribed medication as well as illegal drugs. If you have been arrested and charged with a DUI offense based upon drug intoxication, it is critical to contact a Forsyth County DUI lawyer. At the Law Offices of Richard S. Lawson, the legal team has vast experience in defending these charges and will immediately initiate defense actions on your behalf.
Forsyth County Drug & DUI Lawyer
In the last few years, our firm has seen a substantial increase in DUI-drug arrests, while there has actually been a decrease in alcohol-related arrests. The numerous anti-drinking and driving campaigns out there such as Mothers Against Drunk Drivers have helped educate the public about the hazards of drunk driving, in effect decreasing the numbers of drunk drivers on the roadways. On the other hand, our population has increasingly become more medicated in recent years. As a result, the percentage of medicated drivers at any given time is fairly high.
Most Georgians are aware that they can be arrested for driving under the influence of an illegal drug. What many people are shocked to learn is that they can be equally arrested and convicted of driving under the influence of a prescription medication or an over-the-counter medication, especially one containing antihistamines which cause drowsiness.
The police have a lot of discretion when it comes to assessing someone's impairment of a drug, but this is a worrisome development in the law. At present, no quantitative amount of any drug creates a known level of impairment. Meaning, even if a high level of a prescription or over-the-counter drug shows up in somebody's system, neither the crime lab witness nor a toxicologist can say that the drug level was enough to make the person impaired. This "gray" area is very helpful for the defense because it makes it much harder for the state to prove that the driver was in fact too impaired to drive.
Anything you tell the police will be turned around and used against you. The police will twist what you have said to build their case. Frightened people can make statements that jeopardize their own case. It is critical that you contact the firm as soon after your arrest as possible so that your attorney can help you invoke your right to remain silent
Contact a Forsyth County drugs & DUI attorney from the Law Offices of Richard S. Lawson at once if you have been arrested for a DUI offense involving drug intoxication.