Forsyth County ALS Hearing Lawyer
Your driver's license cannot be suspended or revoked by the court – this is done through the DDS (Department of Driver Services). ALS suspensions occur prior to the resolution of your case in the State Court of Forsyth County. Within 30 days of your DUI arrest your attorney must request a hearing with the DDS in order to avoid a one year suspension of your driver's license. An ALS (Administrative License Suspension) hearing will be requested in writing if you wish to fight the suspension of your license. Both the scheduling of the hearing and attendance at the hearing can be handled by a Forsyth County DUI lawyer from the Law Offices of Richard S. Lawson. It is critical to move fast as you have only 30 days after the arrest in which to request a hearing. Once the hearing is granted, it will take place within 90 days from the request. If you do not request the hearing, your driver's license goes into suspension for up to a year.
DUI Attorney Serving Forsyth County
The attorney from the Law Offices of Richard S. Lawson will use the time after the arrest and prior to the ALS hearing to gather the evidence both for the court hearing and the ALS hearing. At the hearing, this evidence will be submitted in order to raise questions about whether the client was actually driving under the influence. There have been countless cases in which individuals were arrested without following proper procedure. In the event procedures were not followed, you may get the ALS suspension lifted and later be found "not guilty" at trial. Many times the breath testing procedure is flawed or the arrestee was not advised of their implied consent rights. These violations of a person's constitutional rights may result in the client being able to avoid a license suspension and a conviction for DUI as well.
If your license is suspended you can appeal the suspension. All of these defense actions have a tight time frame and immediate action is necessary if you are hoping to avoid both a license suspension and a conviction on a DUI offense. The legal team at the Law Offices of Richard S. Lawson will quickly review the evidence against you and advise you how proceed with the defense of your case. Each case is unique and the defense actions will vary according to the situation surrounding your specific case. It is crucial that you act fast.
Contact a Forsyth County ALS hearing Lawyer from the Law Offices of Richard S. Lawson if you have been arrested for DUI and are facing a driver's license suspension.