Did you know that a person can be arrested and charged with driving under the influence (DUI) of prescription drugs? Even if there are no illegal drugs or alcohol in the driver's system, it is illegal in the State of Georgia to operate a vehicle in such a way that makes a person "less safe to drive." The thing to remember is "less safe to drive." The driver must be impaired to the point that they are less safe to drive had they not taken the drug. A positive drug screen doesn't mean the driver is a less safe driver. A lot of prosecutors do not understand that concept. They usually see that the existence of a drug and then fileDUI charges against the driver. Many of these drivers are innocent of DUI; especially when the drug is at a medically acceptable therapeutic level. When a client of the Law Offices of Richard Lawson is arrested with DUI Prescription Drugs, medical experts are used to review the drugs in the driver's system to determine if the drug levels are therapeutic or at a level that would impair the driver. Do NOT plead guilty to DUI Prescription Drugs without giving our office a call first!
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